Run JMeter Test on a Linux VM on Azure: Step-by-step guide with Linux commands- Part 3(Generate html report of the test and install ultimate thread group)

Chalindu Kodikara
4 min readJun 20, 2022


Summary of the previous articles,

Part 1: Install Java, Install JMeter on VM.

Part 2: Copy jmx files from the local machine to VM, how to run the tests, Useful commands, how to run the tests in the background(Solve connection reset issue).

Related Article: Elevate your JMeter performance tests by seamlessly integrating CSV data as dynamic variables within your test plans. Learn step-by-step how to read data from CSV files and leverage it dynamically, enabling more robust and realistic performance testing scenarios.

This is part 3 of the article series. Let’s see how to generate html report and how to install the ultimate thread group plugin. html_report is a summary of the test that you have run.

There are 2 ways for you to generate html_report. I will go through both ways.

1. Download jtl file and generate the report

1. Download jtl file

>>scp -i "$private_key_path$" "username"@"ip_address":"jtl_file_path" .Example: (>>scp -i "C:\Users\Chalindu Kodikara\Downloads\tests_key.pem" azureuser@ .)

2. Generate report

>>./jmeter -g "$jtl_file_path$" -e -o "html_report_folder_path"Example: (>>./jmeter -g "D:\Test\test.jtl" -e -o "D:\Test\html_report")

2. Generate the report on VM and download the folder

This method is easy for you unless you have a requirement to download the jtl file. You need fewer data to download the folder.

1. Go to folder on VM where jtl file resides

Go inside the folder using cd command.

2. Copy folder from VM to local machine

>>scp -i "$private_key_path$" -r "username"@"ip_Address":"path_of_the_folder" "path_of_local_machine"Example: (>>Scp -i "C:\Users\Chalindu Kodikara\Downloads\tests_key.pem" -r azureuser@ D:\temp)

3. HTML Report

Here are some images of the report.

Now, let’s see how to install the ultimate thread group plugin.

You can create different workload patterns using this plugin.

4. Install Ultimate Thread Group Plugin on Local Machine

1. Download Ultimate Thread group plugin

Copy and paste this link into your browser. The plugin will be downloaded.

Here is the website link. You can get the download link from here as well.

Documentation ::

2. Add these jar files into jmeter folder

Copy these 2 files into JMeter lib/ext folder.


3. Now open JMeter and you can see the ultimate thread group

4. Now you can create different workload patterns

5. Install Ultimate Thread Group Plugin on VM

1. Download Ultimate Thread group plugin into VM


2. Install unzip app

>>install required app - sudo apt-get install unzip

3. Unzip the downloaded folder


4. Copy those 2 jar files from that folder into jmeter folder

>>cp /home/azureuser/jmeter/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-casutg-2.10.jar /home/azureuser/jmeter/apache-jmeter-5.4.2/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-casutg-2.10.jar>>cp /home/azureuser/jmeter/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-manager-1.6.jar /home/azureuser/jmeter/apache-jmeter-5.4.2/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-manager-1.6.jar

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Chalindu Kodikara

Computer Science and Engineering Graduate, Software Engineer